Hong Kong, SAR

What to do in Hong Kong

This my list of what to do in Hong Kong one time if you live in Hong Kong.  These things below are usually listed on most peoples lists of what do in Hong Kong but if you’re just visiting Hong Kong, I’d think twice about going unless you’re really struggling for things to do. Some of these are actually are ok, I’ve done/seen them all but haven’t really wanted to go back.  If you’re a tourist, I’d only consider doing them if you have nothing else to do.

Hong Kong Disneyland – crowded, long lines, long waits, bad and expensive food and overall not worth going, unless you are a massive Disney fan.  I went once and will never go back.  This would be last on my list of what to do in Hong Kong if you’re a tourist or living here.

Hong Kong Disneyland

Hong Kong Disneyland

Ngong Ping 360/Big Buddha – Massive cues to get up to the Gondola, packed with mainland chinese tourists. We once spent an hour in line before deciding to give up. If you do manage to get up, it’s a lottery if you’ll be able to see anything because Lantau is often covered in cloud.  The Big Buddha itself is..well big.  If you’ve seen any other “big” buddhas, this one isn’t much different.

Ngong Ping 360

Repulse Bay Beach – Always crowded with tourists, usually from Korea and bus loads from Mainland China yelling, screaming and spitting.  The beach is really nice and the newish mall has some ok restaurants, but it’s a shame there’s tampons, condoms, syringes and a bunch of other rubbish floating around.  If you happen to get it on a rubbish-free day, and with no tourists, it can be nice. Give it a miss and go to Big Wave Bay.

What to do in Hong Kong - Repulse Bay Beach

Lamma Island – It’s become polluted and more crowded than other Islands, although the first time we went we had the beach to ourselves. Bit of a trek to get to it and hard work in the summer for younger kids.  When I’m thinking of what to do in Hong Kong during the weekend, Lamma Island always comes up but I just remember how disgusting the beach was last time I went and quickly forget about it.

Lamma Island

Ocean Park –  Used to be one of my favourite places to go in Hong Kong with kids but I’ve been so many times it’s kind of boring now.  If you’re a first time visitor or haven’t been though, Ocean Park is definitely worth going to check out.  The food is expensive and not great but the sea creatures are good.  See my tips in our full review of Ocean Park.

Ocean Park HK

View from Gondola Ocean Park

Noahs Ark – On Park Island. If you’re living in Hong Kong it’s worth going once to check it out but not much to see or do out there and pretty much what you’d expect. Not really worth it if you’re just in Hong Kong for a holiday.

Noahs Ark Hong Kong

Watch The Symphony of Lights – This is not really a symphony, more a shitty street busker who can’t sing.  Took me about 5 years to actually see it and now I know why.  Nothing more than a few lights going on and off and when it’s over you think “is that it?”.

Symphony Of Lights Hong Kong

Kowloon Walled City Park – Historical park that’s rather underwhelming. The best thing about Kowloon Walled City Park is the kids bike track that you can either hire your own bike or bring your own bike to.

Kowloon Walled City Park Bones of Miss Willy – Way out by Shek-O just past the entrance to Dragons Back.  This is not something you would do as a tourist.  If you’re living here, I’d check it once. We’ve been 3 times, the walk in is about 4km, no problem if it’s not hot.  Getting back is a problem if you have younger kids. You can call a taxi if you get stuck but you might need to pay extra.  Not for swimming, but there’s some good photo opportunities out here and if you get a clear day it’s really nice.  The actual Bones of Miss Willy are a bit stink but the rest is nice.

Bones of Miss Willy

Bones of Miss Willy

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