Here’s a few things that might help you out if you plan to visit Seoul. Nothing that will save your life but good to know.
The airport is a long way from the city, almost an hour. Plenty of flights from Hong Kong to Seoul and most major airports fly in there so it’s easy to visit Seoul from almost anywhere in the world. You can take trains and buses into the city but they’ll take just as long. The Shilla Seoul is one of the most overrated hotels we’ve stayed in. Sure, yep, it’s nice, but I reckon it’s over priced and there’s not a whole lot to within walking distance. I wouldn’t stay there again even if I wanted to visit Seoul again.
If you’re going up Seoul North Tower when you visit Seoul, be prepared for a lot of people during the late evening, when I guess a lot of people like to go to see the sunset. I quite fancy myself as a good replacement for Google Maps and can get around most places pretty good but for the life of me couldn’t figure out how to get the hell down from the top (by Gondola).Took a good 15 minutes walking around, up and down to find the Gondola entrance.
Whilst Dongdaemun Design Plaza is pretty good, at night, just before dawn, it’s teaming with thousands of people. Go early and avoid the crowds although the lights at Dongdaemun design plaza come on and it’s quite nice to see. This is probably the only place I’d thing about going back to if wanted to visit Seoul again.
We only went here last year and I can’t remember a single thing we ate, compare that to Japan and I could tell you almost every Japanese BBQ we ate at and where it was. This points to my notion that Seoul is quite forgettable.
This next bit will be outdated pretty soon, but with Dumb and Dumber, Benny Hill and Frank Spencer, or whatever you want to call them (Donald Gump and Kim Jong (not so much) Fun), bickering like a couple of scorned lovers, there’s no telling what’s going to happen. Most likely nothing will happen and the war of words will continue, but nobody thought Gump would get elected and look what happened. Anyway, Seoul is definitely not worth risking your life to go to, no matter the .0000001 percent chance there is of these two clowns starting WWIII.
If you plan to visit seoul, send us any questions or comments you have via email or ask us on twitter