Rusutsu, Japan

And that is overexpose by about 2 stops. It’ll help the snow turn out white.  It just boggles the mind how much info is put onto the web by people who have absolutely no first hand experience on something, yet sit behind their keyboards giving out advice that is just either flat out false, or at best a guess. If you Google something like “shooting film in the snow” or anything similar, you’ll come up with panic stricken people getting advice from the world’s worst self proclaimed photographers. This is a bit ironic since I’m a shit photographer, but at least I can see I’ve done it and tried it.

All the photos came out great, I also shot Slide Film and loads of it, and exposure looked fine to me.   So don’t listen to the dickheads on the web who will put you in a state of fear and make you think that shooting in the snow is harder than nano science.  Make one change to your camera then fire away.