Matt Granger – The Dingo Ate My Baby

Being an Aussie, Matt Granger, formerly THATNIKONGUY, immediately gets demerit points and a negative rating!

Seriously though, Matt Granger is one of the most popular photography YouTube Channels with over 500,00 subscribers and counting and puts out a lot of content, most of which I’m not personally interested in, but watch the occasional video of his as he does a lot of travelling.

Matt Granger is one of the guys that gets a lot of shit from the losers who spend all day posting unsolicited comments on photography forums, and people like the Angry Photographer, who seems to have a soft-on with people providing hotlinks and selling their stuff to make a living. I don’t really get it, the guys just try making a living, it’s no different than the guy down the road at the cash register selling you shit hamburgers. Get over it! I’ve watched Matt Granger on and off, a lot of the stuff he does is on Nikon, Sigma or Canon, none of which interests me so I don’t watch him that much. He’s got loads of tips and advice and is always promoting his courses and website, which is totally fine with me.

Considering Matt Granger as a Photographer, I like some of his images, earlier on they were mostly a bit raunchy which I’m sure is one main reason he has so many subscribers (again, nothing wrong with showing a bit of boob and bum to promote yourself in my book). I can see why a lot of people like him, he’s quite personable, has got a bit of a dry sense of humour and seems genuine. Being an Aussie, he’s probably used to getting a lot of shit, but one of the things I like about him is he has thick skin. Occasionally for a laugh I like to read the comments and jesus he’s taking a beating on his weight and other shit but he either ignores it or gives it back without going apeshit about it.

One of the things you have to give all these YouTubers is that they all take a lot of shit and not everyone is wired to deal with that. My philosophy on that is if you are going to be a YouTuber and put yourself in front of the world, you have to have one big ego, so dealing with snarky little comments doesn’t really bother them that much because they think they’re pretty shit hot already!  It’s pretty simple, if you don’t like, don’t watch them.  I don’t really understand why people have to keep watching videos from people they don’t like and then leave nasty comments.  Why can’t they just pretend it’s TV, and change the channel.

But I digress, Matt Granger travels the world and runs workshops and I think a lot of people are envious of him for this reason. I don’t think I’d take one of his workshops because, Kiwi’s just don’t take instructions from Aussies! Seriously though, out of all the Photographers on YouTube, if I had to take one workshop with one of them, I’d probably do it with him. Group tours and group anything aren’t really up my alley but overall, he seems to know most of his shit and is somebody I think a lot of people will relate to.

You can check out Matt Granger’s Youtube Channel here.

More photography YouTube channels here.