Kodak ColorPlus 200

Consumer grade film that's best described as cheap and cheerful.

Writing about every 35mm film I’ve tried, including this one on Kodak ColorPlus 200, I now understand why the reviews of every 35mm film are all shite, and essentially say the same thing.  You’ll notice almost every film says it’s fine grained. You’ll also notice every 35mm film claims it’s sharp, which is fair enough, because who’s really going to buy a film labelled “Slightly Blurry”.  I try not to read reviews of the film I write about so as not to influence my opinion but I had to do some research on Kodak ColorPlus 200 because I really didn’t know much about it.

Kodak ColorPlus 200

Pretty much every so called “review” says something along the lines of “Kodak ColorPlus 200 produces the best results in good lighting conditions”.  Is there any film that produces the best results in poor lighting conditions?  Anyway, all I can say is it’s not a bad film, produces some okay results, but nothing that jumps out at you and amazes you.  As usual, let’s do the pictures do the talking, taking into consideration, again as usual, that these are scans and can’t really give you an accurate idea of what the actual print looks like.

Kodak ColorPlus 200

All of these were shot on my older Contax T3, a camera I had for about a year and didn’t really use that much.  As much as I liked looking at it, it’s hard to reach for it when you have a Leica MP sitting beside it.  You can pick up a good condition used Contax T3 Black edition for around HKD$10,000-$11,000, the other colours are much cheaper. I’ve got a couple of undeveloped rolls of Kodak ColorPlus 200 sitting in my camera cabinet that were shot with the MP so I’ll add those soon.

Kodak ColorPlus 200

Kodak ColorPlus 200

Kodak ColorPlus 200

Kodak ColorPlus 200

Kodak ColorPlus 200

Kodak ColorPlus 200

Kodak ColorPlus 200

Kodak ColorPlus 200

Kodak ColorPlus 200

Kodak ColorPlus 200

Send us any questions or comments you have about Kodak ColorPlus 200 35mm film via email or ask us on twitter.