If you’re going to Vienna with kids, you’ll need to take them to the zoo and/or aquarium to keep them entertained as most of the attractions and things to do in Vienna are more adult oriented (history, art, architecture etc).
First up (but necessarily best) on your list of things to do in Vienna with kids should be the HAUS des MEERES – Aqua Terra Zoo. They should just call it the aquarium but whatever, it was okay. I’ve been to aquariums all over Asia in Thailand, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea and many more so I’m a bit of an expert when it comes to aquariums. This one was about a 6/10, nothing spectacular but not too much to complain about. It’s worth a visit as it’s walking distance from the historic center of Vienna and some nice things to see along the way. Check out their website here.
The more adult centric places like Schonbrunn Palace and Belvedere Palace aren’t really made for kids but you can still have a great time running around chasing your rapidly ageing Dad. I particularly enjoyed Schonbrunn Palace as mum and me saw a squirrel and there’s a pretty good zoo worth going to – the Vienna Zoo, also known as Tiergarten Schönbrunn. Read more about that in a minute. Schonbrunn Palace has massive grounds so it’s really a great place to cut loose and let off some steam, I could have just played tag or hide and seek there the whole day and I’d have been satisfied. Throwing stones into the ponds, stepping on ants, kicking gravel, sliding down gravel, running up and down hills were also rather strangely satisfying here. Near the maze in Schonbrunn Palace, there’s a pretty good playground where you can have a go on a digger and ride in a giant eagle, Dad thought he was absolutely fantastic in it and I think liked it more than me.

Schonbrunn Palace
So back to the Vienna Zoo or Tiergarten Schönbrunn. This is the oldest zoo in the world and is open everyday from 9 a.m. – 365 days a year, even on public holidays. Closing times differ according to the seasons and are usually between 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. The ticket office closes 30 minutes before closing time which is also the latest entry time for the zoo. It’s really nice walking around the Vienna Zoo as well as seeing the animals, they’ve got Siberian Tigers, Elephants, Penguins, Anteaters and all the usual animals that most good zoos have. Let Mum and Dad have some time at Schonbrunn Palace before you go, then you get your time in the zoo.

Here I enter the Vienna Zoo with Lizard on My Head
Back into the city, there’s a really nice grass area to play rugby, bullrush, throw balls, tag, frisbee or whatever you fancy – behind the Albertina, on Google Maps it’s called Burggarten and you can find it on Toucan’s Vienna Map under “Grobblers Good Park”. Mum and Dad can get a coffee or you can get some takeaway lunch and have picnic there, it’s beautiful and as you can see in the below photo, I was pumped to go there.
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