Here’s my list of things to do in Osaka, all of which we’ve done at some time or another. Been to Osaka about three times in the last few years and it remains one of my favourite places in Osaka.
Osaka Castle
Always on any list of things to do in Osaka, Osaka Castle would be last on my list. Loads of loud mainland Chinese tourists, Osaka Castle is ok but if you’ve seen one or two before this is nothing special. Best thing about this, at least for my 4 year old son, was the pigeons, there was a pigeon man who fed them some seeds so they’d fly onto his head, shoulders and he was quite a hit with not just our soon, but other tourists. We didn’t have much time here, but it wasn’t bad, just not a must-see attraction in my opinion. If you’re looking for things to do, and haven’t been to Japan, this is probably much better.

Osaka Castle
Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan
We’ve been to a lot of aquariums throughout Asia and this is would be one of the better ones but was very crowded in the afternoon. They have pretty much every sea creature you can imagine and if you like fish and ocean creatures this is worth a visit. We’re a bit aquariumed-out so probably didn’t appreciate it as much as we normally might have,plus the amount of people was a little bit off-putting. The water did seem a bit murky and not as clear as other aquariums but the amount and variety of fish and sea creatures was quite impressive. Legoland is in a mall adjacent to the aquarium so it’s really worth a visit if you’re thinking about going with kids, just expect a lot of people especially if going in the afternoon. If you have kids, this should be near the top of things to do in Osaka.

Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan
Kids Plaza Osaka
Must have been a bit unlucky as when we got there, a sign was up saying it would be very busy as they had many school bookings that day. Had 30mins of quiet until all hell broke loose, lasted about 10 minutes after that! Didn’t seem to be that many interesting things inside and our 4 yr old had much more fun chasing pigeons and going down the slides in the adjacent park. There was also an entertaining screen outside the actual kids plaza that he spent 30 minutes running around at (hard to explain what it is, but it provided more entertainment than the actual kids plaza). Guess it depends on what your child is into but I don’t rate this highly and wouldn’t go back. Having said this, Grobbler would rate Kids Plaza highly and one of his favourite things to do in Osaka because there’s a park are he spent 2 hours at chasing pigeons.

Kids Plaza Osaka
Universal Studios
I’m not really into theme parks, too many people and too many lines. Not much different here, there’s some good things to see and do for kids of course, but it’s pretty much what you’d expect of a Universal Studios. Give it a go if you’re into that sort of thing but there are better things to do with kids or without than this.

Universal Studios Osaka
Expo ’70 Commemorative Park

Expo ’70 Commemorative Park
Umeda Sky Building
Worth a visit, the Umeda Sky Building is two buildings joint together. Travel sites say it has a sky garden, but you can’t really call it that. Nice views overlooking all of Osaka, a bit crowded at sunset but I’ve seen much much worse at these types of “Sky Fill in the Blank” in most cities.

Umeda Sky Building

Tennoji Park

Tennoji Park Osaka