Victoria, Canada

I lived here for 3 years a while back and it was a great city to live in but visitors to Canada mostly ignore it and head to Vancouver.

I had an awesome time living in Victoria BC for 3 years.  It’s probably one of my favourite cities but I can see how as a tourist, it’s left off most peoples’ lists.  It’s just a lovely city but kind of lacks any wow factor attractions or things to do for most people to spend the time to get to, being on an Island with no International airport.

Reminds me of Christchurch in New Zealand, where I’ve also lived. Beautiful summers, cold winters, friendly people and a nice city to live in if you like the outdoors. It’s about an hour and a half from Vancouver via ferry which opens up a whole lot of other opportunities but for many Canadians, in particular those living in Vancouver, it’s a place you go to retire in because it’s quiet, peaceful and well, not a lot happening there.

I’m afraid to say, that while I really loved living in Vitoria BC, I can’t really recommend it to go and see as a tourist destination.  Perhaps if you were going to Vancouver or Seattle for an extended period of time, or you have relatives or friends living in either of those places, and you visited them frequently and wanted somewhere to go, you could consider it, but it’s not somewhere where you’d take a long haul flight just to see.

If you do happen to be there, it’s not like you’re going to be disappointed. It’s a nice city with lovely weather, a great outdoor lifestyle and not too crowded although it’s become very popular with Asian’s who prefer Victoria BC over Vancouver due to it being less crowded and a much more relaxed city to be in.

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