I first heard about Camera Film Photo when trying to get hold of some Fujifilm Provia 400X in Hong Kong. Getting to Camera Film Photo is a bit of a mission if you’re coming from HK Side, there’s no MTR closely (about a 15-20mins walk) and driving is a bit of a pain in the A, there’s car parks around but you need eagle eyes and Google Maps on. Camera Film Photo are in an old industrial building and you might have to wait a while to get one of the lifts up. Camera Film Photo are basically online retailers but they have an option to pick up film and I had some money in a PayPal account I don’t use anymore so just wanted to use that up, and check them out in person.

Agfa Scala 200X
Their prices are not the cheapest, in fact, for film, they’re probably one of the most expensive I’ve come across in Hong Kong so if you’re looking for an absolute bargain and lowest prices on film, Camera Film Photo is probably not the best option for you. When I finally got into the shop I was greeted by the owner Vishal who appears to be “friends” with Bellamy Hunt and Eric Kim and probably a load of other well known people in the film photography scene. He’s a nice guy and we had a bit of a chat about film and cameras and stuff in general. Considering this I didn’t really mind paying a higher price for the Provia 400X and again, I really just wanted to spend the money in my PayPal account and because OutPut Pro Lab are cash only, I gave Camera Film Photo the business.

Agfa Scala 200X
I know I’ve mentioned the location isn’t the most convenient for me, but take that with a grain of salt because they deliver and being primarily online, location is pretty much insignificant. They seem to carry quite a lot of film, not the biggest selection I’ve come across in Hong Kong but enough nonetheless. Camera Film Photo also sells film developing stuff, camera straps, used cameras (New Old Stock) including a lot of Polaroids and a few other bits and pieces.
I haven’t bought anything since from them but Vishal’s a nice guy so if you’re the type of person who likes to have a long chat about film photography, Camera Film Photo Hong Kong will be right up your alley. Vishal seems to know his shit and I’d have no problem buying from them again or checking them out.
Send us any questions or comments you have about Camera Film Photo via email or ask us on twitter.