BigHeadTaco – The Only Guy Worth Watching On YouTube

If you're only going to watch one photographer on YouTube, BigHeadTaco AKA Take Kayo is the one to watch

BigHeadTaco is probably my favourite YouTube Photography Channel and whom most normal people will be able to relate to. He reviews cameras, mainly Fuji, Canon, Ricoh and Leica, interviews film photography and film developing shops and does the occasional VLog.  I have less and less time these days and BigHeadTaco is basically the only guy who produces videos I bother to watch.


His reviews are thorough, informative, unbiased and very watchable. I’ve watched, in their entirety, pretty much all of his Fuji and Leica videos. To me, being the cynical bastard I am, the fact that he is the most “normal” and has one of the least subscriber counts pretty sums up the Internet – it’s full of Tonka’s (For those of you who don’t know, a Tonka is someone who sniffs girls bicycle seats).  But I digress. I guess it depends somewhat on the content you are interested in and what you are looking for, but for me, his focus on film makes him the most interesting YouTube photography Channel. He doesn’t rant and rave, appears like a “normal” bloke and doesn’t come across as a self obsessed douchebag like most YouTubers do.

Big Head Taco

Anyway, if you’re a Fuji or Leica user, for sure you’ll get some good advice and information from BigHeadTaco. He may have one of the lower subscriber counts now but I think in a few years BigHeadTaco will have hundreds of thousands of subscribers and be one of the most influential Photographers on youtube.

BHT YouTube

Unlike most of the other self professed “photographers” on Youtube, BigHeadTaco actually seems to take some good photos. I mean, a lot of them are just samples, but you can tell he knows about light, composition and the like, which is more than I can say for most of the photographers on Youtube. I think BigHeadTaco worked for Kodak and has been in the photography business for years so it’s safe to say he knows what he’s talking about. BigHeadTaco appears humble, genuine and this is what makes his Channel watchable. He’s upbeat and positive without being annoyingly over the top and perhaps most important (because he’s a reviewer), his reviews are complete, unbiased and what I would describe as almost clinical.

Take Kayo YouTube

And no, these aren’t his photos, they’re mine, I just like to fill these posts with photos to make it easier to read.  You can check out BigHeadTaco’s YouTube Photography Channel here.

Send us any questions or comments you have about BigHeadTaco via email or ask us on twitter.